Placental Function Testing

Placenta Clinic Placenta 101 Conditions We Treat Placenta Clinic Referrals Placental Function Testing Placental Health Study Placenta Clinic Research Achievements Placental Function Testing The placenta is the organ responsible for nourishing the fetus and ensuring a...

Placenta | Placental insufficiency

Placenta | Placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency (or uteroplacental vascular insufficiency) is a complication of pregnancy in which the placenta is unable to deliver an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen and, thus, cannot fully support the developing...

Placenta | Placental chorangiomas

Placenta | Placental chorangiomas Placental chorangiomas are growths that are benign (non-cancerous) masses of placental tissue and blood vessels. Very large chorangiomas may “steal” blood from the fetal circulation, resulting in the fetal heart having to work much...

Placenta | Placenta praevia

Placenta | Placenta praevia In placenta praevia, the placenta implants on the lower instead of the upper segment of the uterus, partially or completely covering the cervix. If the placenta only partially covers the cervix in mid pregnancy, it may resolve on its own by...